Uncategorized Archives » Andy Betts Photography


So 2014 was pretty much a sabbatical for my photography. Long hours in my day job and a lack of travelling opportunities means my camera rarely made it out of storage for the whole year. I did make a few excursions, but as the year went on they got fewer and further between. With the […]

2014 So Far

You might have noticed by the lack of updates and fresh work here that 2014 isn’t going exactly as I’d hoped. It doesn’t look like getting better any time in the next couple of months either. I have a Cisco exam to recertify for my full time job, and also a trip to France coming […]

New Year, New Projects

Well, it’s not a new year any more but this is my first post here in 2014… Last year was quite a slow year for me photographically. This was largely due to full time occupation being anything but slow. I still managed to get some good images in 2013, my particular favourites from last year […]

Version 2

After a couple of weeks playing around with the Lightroom web engines from The Turning Gate, I think I’m also finished with the design for version 2 of my website. When I first started using the plugins, I found them complicated and got lost very quickly. Thankfully, the documentation and tutorials available on the website […]