New Year, New Projects

Well, it’s not a new year any more but this is my first post here in 2014…

Last year was quite a slow year for me photographically. This was largely due to full time occupation being anything but slow. I still managed to get some good images in 2013, my particular favourites from last year were the twilight shot of Whitby harbour and the long exposure shot of Monsal Weir. Both of those images can be seen in my Landscapes Gallery

Over the Christmas period I spent some time sorting through my catalog of 150000 and deleting a lot of the older images that were never likely to be seen in public (yes, I’ve taken a lot of them). The rest have been catalogued and some are ready for editing, so you may see some new images here over the coming months while the weather is less than cooperative.

On to 2014 and I’m hoping to have a much busier year with my camera. I’m not a big believer in New Year resolutions but I do believe in setting personal goals. My photography goal for this year is to have 10 new images in my portfolio and available for purchase. If I manage to make enough time to reach this goal, this year will be a successful year.

I’m also hoping to spend more time on personal projects. These are images that I want to create for me personally and not necessarily for sale. I would like to spend some time exploring long exposure photography with a particular focus on moving water.

Well, that about sums up what to expect from this site over the coming year. If you have any comments or suggestions, as always, you can contact me using the social networking icons below or by filling out the form on the contact page.

See you next time.

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